Letter from Billie .................

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Dear Ladies,

I wish you all warm welcome.

To begin with I wish to tell you a bit more about the background of this idea. It is not so new or so old as it might look.

When I was a nine years old I was a part of a girls-only society          known as the STUB ( accidentally meaning pillar).

STUB was made up of first letters of all ( four!) it's members names. It was a secret Society and it's bonds lasted for years. It survived teen years,school problems,boyfriends,University madness,womanhood, marriages, loss of contact, wars and distances. Between (four of) us we live in three different countries and decades later STUB is still here to witness new-born children, husbands, successful careers and the new gossip. It's members are still secret and I can reveal now that I am one of them.

For all this years I had and still have so many friends, who then met my other friends and become friends. To be honest at my last Birthday party some years ago, people who sat around the same table would not be seen together for love or money in any other circumstances. But they were together, eating, drinking , talking and having fun!

Out of that evening, few friends were made, few problems were solved and few people learned few things. From people they would never otherwise have any contact with and would not mix with!

But they did! As they knew I knew them all, and somehow that made it OK!

This is what this Society is all about. People we know, who know other people we don't know but might want to know. This keeps it all in the family, so to speak. Also, it somehow makes it more safe to discuss things, ask for advice and share what we know.

Society is not only about that either! It is about nights out, nights in and social interaction. This is it's first aim.

Network is it's second!

Women are very good at this and ( no offence men! nothing personal) having women's Society, somehow  connect us with all the secret societies of women from times when they had to hide they had brains at all!

From Marie Quire to courtesans of the Louie's courts, brilliant minds of women, networked in secret, as their powers were feared and their freedoms were in jeopardy if their intelligence and skills came out to be known. As we don't have to do this today and we can flaunt  as many brain cells as we please, this Society is not Feminist (but membership does not exclude any woman for her beliefs).. It is for women who are comfortable to be women and are interested to connect with others.  Women together make powerful alliances.

Secrecy is somehow important ( and exciting! ), only in as much as Society's members have to be in connection with someone who already knows them. You can tell your friends about it, as this is the way Society wish to spread, but it's web presence is not here to attract more members, but to give availability of information. Members linx will be posted either on "members only" area or public area. This is something that each member will decide individually. Any members gained through the web will be in the separate part of the site and will not have access to the "members only" area.

Society aims to spread through word of mouth, not by its web presence. Just as in good old times....

So, Ladies this is it. Put your cloaks on, wait till the witch's hour and meet me by the castle ruins!

See you there!



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