Women have many skills and are most likely to share them among eachother. This is regardless of their education or position in society.

AWNS primarily aims to introduce members to eachother, and if members are willing to communicate any of their knowledge with other members which need it, they are free to do so.

If by any means any of the members wish to make business or professional alliances once they have been put in contact by the Society they are free to do so.

"Society" is only concerned with networking between individuals and putting them in to contact.

AWNS does not charge any fees for introduction. AWNS is Society based on social interaction, but if any business or professional opportunities arise from social engagements, Society is not responsible for its outcome .

AWNS is open to proposals from its members for any social activity and will welcome help from its members in organising it ( ideas, space, themes, interest, etc...) 

"Society" will aim to introduce courses, seminars, social evenings and other fun activities, for which is also welcoming

ideas from its members.

Part from regular events each September Society will have an annual PARTY!

Membership is open to all women regardless of they access to the Internet.

And now, something completely different!

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   © Copyright Biljana Krstovic 2003